
"MoneroOnline-Miner(XMROnline)" is a graphical miner tool that supports Chinese and English. It can mine coins such as XMR\ARQMA\DERO\GRAFT\KEVA\SUMO\WOWNERO\Turlecoin\XHV\RTM, but XMR is still the mainstay. The biggest difference between it and the traditional Monero coin mining tools is that Monero Online-all operations of the miners are visual operations, the work log display is also concise and clear, and the operation is very convenient.

All settings are concise and clear


XMROnline-Miner image by Zee Swift

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值得一提的是:禁止CPU挖矿选项下的 -t 这,这个是指定用多少线程,假如是四核四线程,那么指定用1线程,CPU的性能消耗大概在25%左右;如果是不填,那就是默认尽量开到最大,CPU性能消耗接近100%,什么也不填时,也是开到最大

Customizable miner

We have a free customized plan. In addition to the following two programs (Deluxe Edition/Lite Edition), you can also customize your ideal mining tool for free. Welcome to contact us. You can see our contact email at the bottom of the page, remember to leave it Download your contact information to facilitate our contact.



